We met 3 of our friends at the park today and had so much fun! I was a little worried that Dellan would be crawling all through the wet grass, ruining his clothes, and eating dirt. But it turns out the little man is terrified of grass! We set all the babies down on the blanket, and dellan headed straight for the edge. The second his hand touched the grass he started crying! He tried a couple more times on other sides of the blanket, but would touch it very slowly (just one blade) and look at me and cry. He hated the stuff! So we had no problem! He stayed on the blanket all by himself. After playing outside for awhile (and eating puffs!) we tried out the swing. Dellan loved it when I would get up close to him as he came forward, and Laney showed her approval by sniffing and clapping... yes sniffing. She has started scrunching up her face and sniffing when she likes something. It is as funny as it sounds! There are several pictures below mid sniff. She also claps nonstop these days. After a few minutes of swinging (that's all they lasted) we went to the pond to see the ducks. I didn't expect the kids to acknowledge the ducks, but was happily surprised by their interest. They loved them! Our friend had brought some bread to feed them, so they all came right in front of the kids and they would just stare and smile. They couldn't get enough! Next stop... the zoo!
Love the sniff! :o) Also love the last picture! So cute! :o) I never noticed that there eyes were so different colors! Beautiful/Handsome babies! :o)
Paiger sniffs! So funny that both our girls are sniffers. And weird.
And Laney's outfit - Paige wore that when she was two! :)
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