We went to a Firestone event with some friends at a local pizza joint and got to eat dinner with the owner of Firestone, David Walker. We were there at feeding time, so Tony found his own way to enjoy his "bottle" while D-mo enjoyed his!
The kids now fit into 0-3 months clothes perfectly. Laney weighed 10 pounds 4 ounces at the doctor Friday. It is so fun to play dress up in all our "new" clothes. Grammie, of course, has bought us lots of new things, but we also have adorable hand me downs from our cousins Paige and Levi (again, most from Grammie!). Here is Laney in one of Paige's get-ups. Thanks Cousin Paigey!
We are 6 weeks old today! We are changing so much lately. We grab onto things, try to talk and roll over, and even try to get our own binkies back in our mouths (with no success to mommy's disappointment).
We met some of our close friends at the Santa Barbara Earth Day Festival this weekend. It was about an hour away, the farthest we have taken the kids yet. They did great! We didn't get out of the house as early as we would have liked... it takes a long time to pack up for the entire day! I didn't know how long we would be gone, so I packed enough bottles, etc for the entire day. It is amazing how much stuff there is for two babies... how do you fit 8 bottles, burp clothes, etc in a diaper bag with everything else? Once we were all packed up we fed the babies and loaded them up. They did great and slept the whole ride. We took a big blanket and enjoyed the music for a few hours. I think the babies really enjoyed being out and able to just play on the blanket. After the festival we went to dinner with our friends. Scott is a Firestone rep so we went to a bar/restaurant that he sells to for dinner. It was a small place over the harbor and although a great place, it was tough to fit the babies in. We had to wait an hour or so for a table we could get the stroller to. I felt so bad asking everyone we passed to move their chair so we could get by. I guess it's something I'm just going to have to get used to!
We had our one month check up today (the babies are 5 weeks 2 days) and they are so big! Both babies weighed in at 9 pounds 10 ounces! I can hardly believe it. They are huge! They don't look too chunky to me yet, but I am sure they are well on their way at this rate. Laney is measuring about an inch longer than Dellan, but the doctor said he thinks Dellan will take off soon and beat her in weight and length. I am convinced they had a huge growth spurt two days ago. They have seemed so much bigger the last few days. I even ventured onto the other side of the closet this morning. They are both officially wearing 0-3 month outfits today! They are the smallest of their 0-3's, but still. I am excited they can ear all their cute clothes now as most are 0-3 and 3-6, but sad they are getting big so fast. I feel like the cliche mother already complaining that "they grow up so fast!"
The doctor confirmed today what we suspected this week: Laney has blue eyes and Dellan has brown. They started changing about a week ago, but we weren't too sure of Dellan's. He also took a guess at how tall they will be when grown using some formula" Laney 5'10.5'' and D 6'3'' give or take 2 inches. They also got their second Hep B shot today. They were troopers and only cried for a second, but the nurse told me these ones don't hurt, but next month's will! Not looking forward to that :0(
We decided to try out a local Malibu winery this weekend. Tony has been mentioning it forever, and I kept blowing it off, thinking it would be no fun. I was so wrong! Just a few miles from our house was a beautiful winery with gorgeous tables and decorations outside. We took the babies and enjoyed cheese and crackers and wine tasting outside in the canyon. We didn't end up leaving until 6 when they closed, but we had to feed the babies. We were parked in the small outside lot with a wooden fence which didn't look like it closed. Tony and I each took a baby and fed them in the front seat of the car. Just as I was about to change Laney in the back of the car a young girl who worked there came out and asked us if we could move our car to the street so they could close the lot. I apologized as I didn't think the lot had a gate and said it would be just a second as I had to put them in car seats. Her response was amazing..."Can't he just hold her while you drive?" Um, no! I responded nicely that there were to babies and that they had to be in car seats to drive even a short way. It ended up being good timing as they had already finished eating and we just changed them when we went to dinner. Funny what people don't know. We went to a new brewery that just opened for dinner (and Tony had the sampler of course!) It was a great way to spend a Saturday!
We were lucky enough to get a warm, beautiful day while Auntie Steph was in town so we took the kids to Paradise Cove Beach for some food and sun. It was fun to have the kids outdoors in the fresh ocean air.