Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Still Pregnant

Alright, alright. I give in. Here are belly pictures to satisfy the million requests I have had for them lately. This is 36 weeks and beginning to show the not so pretty side of going full term with multiples. (And thanks Amanda for the shirt... it's one of the few that fit these days).

36 weeks 2 days and still pregnant. We entered the 36th week (considered full term for twins) and found out the babies are estimated to be about 6 1/2 pounds this week. I am beginning to get out of breath and uncomfortable a lot easier than I used to as well, and have decided I am ready for these two to get here. I am not in pain and still consider this a very easy and comfortable pregnancy, but knowing the babies are healthy in size and far enough along to enter the world safely makes me ready for them to do just that! What better way to kick start things than to "walk" the mall with my mom. We spent the day shopping before my weekly doctors visit. The doctor laughed at our efforts and asked if I had jumped on the trampoline or been to the famous LA pizza place for a salad known to send women into labor. Obviously I have not gone this far, but it made me feel good to know even my doctor was okay with the babies coming anytime now.


ErikaSams said...

Yay so excited for you guys!! Won't be long now! (hopefully for you sooner than later!)

Wilkins Family said...

Well, I hope for you that these two little ones come soon! Cute pictures!!! You're going to be amazed at the belly pictures once they're born :) I can't wait to see pictures of Del and Laney!! Keep us posted! Oh, and I'll be keeping you guys in our prayers for a smooth and safe delivery! Love ya!

Kari said...

Laura! You looks SO good! I gained a ridiculous 60 pounds with Ella and Evan! I'm really jealous! ;)

I'm really anxious to find out how much those little munchkins will weigh... you've already passed me up with the delivery (they had me scheduled for c-section at 37w 5d) so you may pass up my moose babies' weights too! Sometimes I wonder how long I could have carried them for if they hadn't just scheduled them for delivery. I was pretty miserable though and couldn't wait another day for them to take 'em! =)